by Major David E. Smith USMC
Islamic Fundamentalists are now cooperating effectively in their
aim of establishing an Islamic Republic combining church and state
throughout the Middle Eastern Moslem world. They do not accept
the Western point of view that international borders are sacrosanct.
Ahmed Tahir captured this point in his book Holy Terror:
"Islamic terrorism has played a constant key role in revivalist movements in the Muslim world during the past l5O years. And, despite vehement protests from Western Moslem intellectuals, the idea of murdering, maiming, and menacing the enemy for the purpose of hastening the final triumph of Islam has always held a very strong appeal among the Muslim masses."
Iran became the first example of a radical Islamic state when
Ayatollah Khomeini assumed power there during l979. The Iranian
government had played a major role in promoting the
fundamentalist movement. It should be noted, though, that Iran is
not the sole force in the Shia Muslim terrorist movement. Muslim
terrorists are a diverse group that employ different tactics and
operate with varied intensity. "In Beirut alone, the Shia groups
differ from neighborhood to neighborhood and are often in
disagreement with one another."35
In l979 Iranian students seized the American embassy in
Teheran. The Iranian Revolutionary Government did not return the
captives and embassy property to the United States as stipulated by
international law. Instead, government forces were employed to
maintain their captivity and exploit the seized facility.36 This was
the first example of Iranian state directed terrorism. The pattern of
Iranian direct involvement has continued to date. In November
l992, French officials arrested two Iranian nationals for the murder
of Kazein Rajavi, an Iranian dissident in exile, in Switzerland during
l99O. Additionally, Iranian intelligence has been linked to the
assassination of former Iranian Prime Minister Shahpur Bakhtiar and
an assistant near Paris during l99l. Three men are being held by
France in connection with the murders. Among them are a nephew
of President Rafsanjani who was employed by the Iranian Embassy,
and a nephew of the late Ayatollah Khomeini. Many other Iranian
dissidents have been murdered by professional assassins throughout
Europe. Their effectiveness indicates a high level of training
presumably attained in Iran.37 The Iranian government has also
called for the death of Salmon Rushdie, author of SatanicVerses
demonstrating an intention to continue to employ state directed
terrorism to enforce the regime's positions.
In addition to employing its own intelligence agents in a terror
role, Iran has sponsored Hizballah, the Party of God. Hizballah
operates out of the Shia villages in Southern Lebanon, and in the
Bekaa Valley of that nation. The group has a global network of
supporters in India, Indonesia, South America and Australia.3 8
Hizballah employs camps in the Syrian controlled Bekaa Valley to
train its recruits. They are instructed by veteran terrorists from the
movement as well as by Iranian Revolutionary Guards. The principal
training camp is located at Janba, while another major facility is
located at Wadi Mnaira. Recruits are provided with courses in close
quarter combat, hit and run tactics, infiltration, and mine laying.
They are also taught to handle automatic weapons, explosives, rocket
launchers, recoilless rifles, "Sagger" antitank missiles and SA-7
surface-to-air missiles. In addition, the recruits are provided with
substantial religious indoctrination. Hizballah also trains in small
unit tactics, and is employing l5 to 3O man units in operations
against Israeli forces in Southern Lebanon. Local commanders
usually recruit young men who are familiar with the terrain in their
area of operations.
The Islamic Jihad (Hizballah' s military wing) may work directly
for the Iranian government in some cases. "Senior Palestinian police
sources have revealed that they have found faxes that encouraged
stepped up attacks on Israeli targets while detaining Islamic Jihad
activists during September l994."39 Other reports indicate that
Hizballah forces have obtained a new surface-to-air missile (possibly
the Stinger) from Afghanistan via Iran.40 If so, it would be logical to
assume its members had been trained in its operation given their
historical link with Iranian instructors.
The Afghan link with terrorist training has been clearly
established in a number of instances. By l982 foreign Muslims were
participants in combat against the Soviets in Afghanistan.41 "At the
height of the foreign involvement in the conflict (l989-
l99l), conservative estimates suggest that, at any given time, 3,OOO
to 4,OOO foreign fighters were training or fighting in Afghanistan, or
resting in Peshawar. Over the years, well over ten times that
number spent time on the Afghan battlefield."42 Many of the
participants were from Egypt, Syria, Jordan, and the Occupied
Territories. Many were connected with the Muslim Brotherhood.
Later, many North Africans fought there along with Muslims from
the Indian Subcontinent. A camp at Jawar, Pakistan evolved into a
base for foreigners desiring to serve in the struggle in Afghanistan.
Recruits received extremely rudimentary training prior to moving
across the border. Their real education was obtained in on the job
training during combat. Foreign units were often employed
independently for platoon and company sized operations. Many
Middle Eastern Arabs developed credible tactical skills through
practical application while serving in Afghanistan.
By l99l Mujaheddin loyal to Gulbuddin Hekmatyar were training
and advising insurgents in Kashmir and along the Bangladesh-Burma
border.43 It is estimated that there are currently fewer than 1,000
trainees in Afghanistan. Although numbers have decreased, the
quality of the training they receive may be improving. Reports
indicate that there are four major camps in Afghanistan that provide
terrorist training to foreigners. Students are instructed in the use of
weapons, methods of booby trapping cars, and conducting suicide
operations. These skills have been employed effectively by
movements in the Middle East and North Africa. A camp at Shahar
Siyab is alleged to house 2OO trainees. The largest camp, in Baktia
Province (See Map Six), conducts day and night courses and
reportedly has over 5OO students billeted there.44 Ironically, some
of the weapons employed in the training camps and exported to
support Islamic movements throughout the world were supplied by
the American Central Intelligence Agency for use against the Soviet
invasion force. The defeat of that invasion force has superseded the
Mujaheddin' s need to maintain cordial relations with the United
States. That, in conjunction with the sweeping tide of Islamic
fundamentalism, could conceivably result in weapons we envisioned being employed against the USSR being turned against us in the future.
There is every indication that Afghanistan will continue to
provide sanctuary, training facilities, instructors, and weapons to
radical Muslims. In fact, Ibrahim el-Mekkawi, a former Egyptian
Army Colonel who fled from Egypt after the assassination of Anwar
Sadat in October l98l, travels between Peshawar, Pakistan and
Afghanistan where he operates camps and bases. El-Mekkawi is said
to be operating the Islamic campaign in Egypt from Pakistan.
Additionally Khalid al-Islambouli, who was sentenced to death in
absentia for planning to kill Hosni Mubarak and other Egyptian
leaders, maintains a base near Jalalabad in eastern Afghanistan (See
Map Six).45
Islamic fundamentalists also find sanctuary and training
opportunities in Sudan. The Sudanese government has close ties to
Iran and has allegedly provided Iranian forces with access to Port
Sudan on the Red Sea in exchange for weapons and ammunition.
Reports also indicate that there are two Iranian facilities for terrorist
training located at Shondi and Wadi Saydna (See Map Seven). These
camps are employed to train members of Hizballah in guerrilla
tactics, bomb manufacturing, weapons employment, intelligence,
purchasing weapons, and clandestinely contacting embassies.46
The Sudanese government attempts to keep its assistance to
terrorist organizations secret in order to avoid international
condemnation. Some training takes place inside mosques. Mosques
were also employed as training locations for the alleged World Trade
Center bombers, several of whom are Sudanese.47 Other recruits
train in Iran: Alsu Aja, former Deputy Speaker of the Sudanese
Parliament, revealed that groups of Sudanese citizens are sent to
Iran for six month periods of training. He further stated that all
Sudanese diplomats were trained in Iran.48 Since Iranian diplomats
have been implicated in actual terrorist attacks and support
activities, Sudanese diplomats trained in that country should be
suspect as well.
Iranian Revolutionary Guards operate camps in Sudan that are
financed by Iran. These camps accommodate personnel who have
been forced out of Lebanon and Libya as those nations tone down
their support for terrorism.49 Sudan's border with Egypt makes it a
logical location for supporting the growing Egyptian Islamic
Fundamentalist movement, and is a source of concern to moderate
Arab governments, as well as the United States and Israel. Sudan
has maintained contact with a wide range of terrorist groups
including Hamas, ITizballah, and the Egyptian Gama'at al Islamiyya.50
The Iran, Afghanistan, Sudan connection clearly demonstrates the
international cooperation among radical Islamic governments.
The cooperation among Islamic fundamentalists may have
expanded into portions of the former Soviet Union. Reports indicate
that Iran is providing military training for Muslims of the Islamic
Renaissance Party (IRP) who oppose the government of Tajikistan.
Twenty seven Tajik militiamen completed training conducted at the
Iranian base at Shardi, Sudan. They were provided with a three
month course of instruction on guerrilla tactics, intelligence
gathering, infantry weapons, and artillery employment. The top six
graduates were transferred to Iran for officer training, including
spiritual guidance, at Qom. While in Qom, attempts may have been
made to recruit them as agents of the government of Iran. The
remaining graduates returned to Tajikistan.51 Tajik Muslims have
continued a fundamentalist pattern of storing weapons in mosques in
that region.52
There is also evidence of cooperation between Islamic terrorists
in the Middle East and the Western Pacific. On 7 February l995,
Romzi Ahmed Yousef was arrested in Islamabad, Pakistan in
connection with the World Trade Center bombing. Prior to his arrest
he had reportedly operated in the Philippines with the assistance of
the Muslim terrorist group Abu Sayaff.53 Abu Sayaff has been
implicated in a number of bombings and shootings. Military
intelligence information claims the 3OO member group has received
training from Pakistani veterans of the Afghan War. It further states
"Sayaff's lieutenants are composed mainly of Filipino Muslim
volunteers who joined the International Islamic Brigade which
fought the Soviets in Afghanistan."54